المقررات الدراسية المتاحة

Test course for Moodle LMS testing.

Test course description

Test course description

By the end of this module, you will be able to:
Describe the history of Aptara 
Identify Aptara's client base 
Identify the division of services and project staffing models used at Aptara
Define your role as a Certified Learning Consultant
Describe how you fit into these staffing models

At the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
Define excellent customer service
Recognize the examples of excellent and sub-standard customer service
Identify the components of excellent customer service
List the skills of excellent customer service
Describe why excellent customer service is critical to a project's success
Define success in terms of a project
Explain the role of Facilitation, Coaching and Training in providing excellent customer service
Describe how communication style can impact providing excellent customer service

At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Identify the five elements of American business culture that pose special challenges for Indian teams
Identify the challenges the Indian business culture poses to Americans
Describe how differences in communications styles and skill can impact the working relationship between Indian and American teams
Identify the key differences in workforce diversity between Indian and US businesses, and how they might impact the working relationship
Identify strategies for coping with cultural differences between India and the US 

Working in a Virtual Team
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Define a virtual team
Identify the challenges of working in a virtual team
Recognize the team's need for relationships based on tasks and team member's distance  
Identify the 7 C's of effective communications and how they apply to virtual teams
Identify strategies for effectively working in a virtual team 
State how time and culture affect remote team interactions

At the end of this module, you will be able to:
List in order the steps of Aptara's project engagement process
Describe each step of Aptara's project engagement process
Describe a No Surprises approach to working with a client
Describe Aptara's team approach to working with a client
Identify the Learning Consultant's responsibilities
Identify the major milestones in the process
List the key tools used to manage a project at Aptara

Aptara's One Team Model
At the end of this module you will be able to:
Define the purpose of the One Team Model
Describe the One Team Model
Describe the various roles involved in the One Team Model
List the benefits of the One Team Model to Aptara's clients
Identify the One Team Model guidelines
Describe the One Team Model methodology 

At the end of this module you will be able to:
Identify the roles and responsibilities involved in an eLearning project
Identify the stages of the development process
Match the roles to the stages of development
List the milestones in the development process

Final Assessments of the ACC course

Device Risk Management: Risk management policy & procedures.

Language courses- Business communication